Pet Anxiety - Tips & Tricks to Ensuring a Safe and Healthy Holiday Season for Your Pets

Updated on: January 20, 2023

The holiday season is a wonderful time of year, but it's important to keep the safety and well-being of our pets in mind. By being prepared and taking a few precautions, we can ensure that our furry friends have a happy and healthy holiday season.


  • Introduction by Jed Davis, founder of Poly Pet Products
  • Overview of holiday safety tips for pets by Dr. Suter
  • Importance of being prepared in case of emergencies
  • Tips for handling emergencies with pets, including having the numbers for a veterinarian and the ASPCA poison control hotline on hand and being ready to pay the fee for the poison control hotline
  • Tips for handling specific emergencies, such as if a pet eats something they shouldn't have
  • Encouragement to ask questions during the Q&A session following the presentation.


Dr. Suter discussed holiday safety tips for pets, focusing on being prepared in emergencies. She emphasized the importance of having the numbers for a veterinarian and the ASPCA poison control hotline and being ready to pay the fee for the poison control hotline if necessary. She also provided tips for handling specific emergencies, such as if a pet eats something they shouldn't have, and encouraged the audience to ask questions during the Q&A session following the presentation. Overall, the conversation focused on the importance of being prepared and taking quick action to ensure the safety and well-being of pets during the holiday season.


As the holiday season approaches, keeping our beloved pets safe and healthy is important. The festive season can be a stressful and hectic time for humans and animals, with increased social gatherings, decorations, and possibly even changes to routine. With some planning and awareness, however, we can ensure our pets have a happy and healthy holiday season.

One of the best things you can do to prepare for emergencies is to have the numbers for a veterinarian and the ASPCA poison control hotline on hand. Keep these numbers in a place easily accessible to all household members. It's also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the procedures of local emergency veterinary clinics so you know which one to go to in case of an emergency.

If your pet does happen to eat something they shouldn't have, it's important to act quickly. Dr. Suter advises having the item's label on hand so you can provide the necessary information to the poison control hotline. Doing this can help the professionals assess the severity of the situation and provide the appropriate treatment.

The holiday season is also a time when the number of lost pets increases significantly. To prevent this from happening to your furry friend, Dr. Suter suggests being extra careful and keeping a close eye on them; this is important in areas with freezing temperatures, as pets that get out could freeze to death. In addition, making sure your pet's identification tags are up to date and that they are microchipped will increase the chances of being reunited with your pet if they happen to get lost.

In addition to being prepared for emergencies, there are also a few other things you can do to keep your pets safe and healthy during the holiday season:

  • Keep decorations out of reach: Tinsel, ribbons, and other embellishments can be tempting for pets to play with, but they can also be dangerous if ingested. Keep your decorations out of reach, or consider using pet-friendly alternatives.
  • Be mindful of human foods: Many holiday treats can be toxic to pets. Chocolate, for example, can be deadly for dogs. Keep an eye on what your pet is eating and ensure they don't have access to any potentially dangerous foods.
  • Keep your pet's routine as consistent as possible: Changes to routine can be stressful for pets. If you are hosting gatherings or traveling during the holiday season, keep your pet's routine as consistent as possible, this will help reduce stress and prevent behavioral issues.
  • Consider using natural remedies: The holiday season can be a busy and stressful time, and pets are not uncommon to become anxious or agitated. If you're concerned about your pet's stress levels, consider using natural remedies such as pheromone diffusers or calming supplements.

In conclusion, the holiday season is a wonderful time of year, but it's important to keep the safety and well-being of our pets in mind. By being prepared and taking a few precautions, we can ensure that our furry friends have a happy and healthy holiday season.